The Twenty-First Century
Alomg with the arrival of
morning with its beams of golden light
The world welcomes a radiant
new century.
How long how many eons of
time has the world waited!
Everything seen or heard
while man waited was mere falsehood.
It was not a new age,
But only false hosannas
Raised for the coming of
a false savior.
But amidst all this the true
savior also appeared,
And he saw the curtain fall
on the end of the false drama.
The human race saw not salvation,
but a drama.
Time after time mankind tasted
With the taste of disappointment
in their mouths
they again waited with hope.
Wondering when the end of
the decadent world would come,
When the coming of the Kingdom
of God close at hand.
The human race did not know
true inner hope.
In spite of this history went
on thoughtlessly
Calling down rain and wind
calling down storms,
Calling down wars to harm
Even those who pray were
sent out to battlefields
To join the bands of murderers.
Science became a lethal weapon
to kill mankind,
And politics became a desire
for power.
The dull hearts of mankind
heed not the distress of heaven,
They forget yhe passage of
time in evil temptations and
godless pleasures
Thinking only of these things
They ignore god and drown
in pleasures.
They knew not that this was
the true degradation of the soul,
And they sunk deeper and
deeper into the drowning depths.
But Satan David did not love
mankind in this state
In fact he despised them.
He had no need for men
Who allowed themselves to
be confused
And to simply hand themselves
To the temptations of evil.
It is rather those of strong
Who live with goodness justice
and love,
And who are loved by heaven
that he aims for.
This is because Satan David
has no creed,
And no love and he only finds
joy in
Destruction confusion and
It is only those who fall
victim to his evil who are to be pitied.
It is those who turn away
their eyes from our helping
hands and go away
To be deceived by Satan David's
ugly hands into believing
they will bring.
Salvation and joy. These
are to be pitied.
It is those who cannot distinguish
Between the signs of heaven
and the signs of Satan
And who continue in a state
of confusion.
These are to be pitied.
Thought it is what they sought,
Those people live where our
voices cannot reach,
They live in darkness.
Those who are arrogant with
pride believing they live in light
Are the ones who live in
Oh ye men who know not the
Of our father's plan for
Ye who are being so simple
and complately deceived!
But he had mede even the
true light of salvation slide
Into the road of destruction
And finally fall under its
This one who rejected our
father's love
and compassion is also to
be pitied.
The one who was confused
by Satan David and dreamt of
false glory is also to be
His life is sad indeed.
But the human race can only
wait for salvation and
the Kingdom of God
And for those who are chosen
by God
To become citizens of that
True hope and love and light
always descend from heaven,
And those who search and
come near these things
will receive that light and
be purified.
It is only those who have
been purified who will be
welcomed into our Kingdom
of God
Where new land and new sky
have been formed
And there they will abide.
The new century begins with
our blessings.
by The Heaven King Michael
An Angel's Pledge
Becoming the fire of the blast furnace.
The spirit of an angel.
Reduces eil spirits to ashes
Who is it who defiles the inviolate
Sacred Kingdom of Heaven?
The heart that ravages the ninth dimension in the name of Satan David.
And finds pride in the memory of such sacrilege.
Even if our father Jehovah
Where to extend his compassion and grant forgiveness.
Shall not be forgiven.
Tasting hardships, memories of millions of years.
Close our hearts.
Compared to this, far far more
Is there good found in Lucufer's soul.
From Veh-erde he came,
he came to make this earth his kingdom.
Oh, Satan David, manipulator of good spirits!
In our land, the heavenly Kingdom of Light,
Thy evil soul will never more be allowed,
Nor granted the right to speak again.
Even if thou wert to make thyself into a seed or break into dust,
To try to take revenge,
Such thoughts, by our soul's
Eternal energy will destroy.
by Gabriel