[PR] この広告は3ヶ月以上更新がないため表示されています。
Now, in order to defend God country(Japanese tradition), I recommend
the next model.
Though I think that it is a reform point a large quantity still, I am
to make a personal computer that an in short Japanese traditional incense
does. Though
thought the object of an open architecture is good, that wants to stand
at a worldwide historical problem also in a ground that thinks
As doing Katakana display for a keyboard, for example in the past, IBM
system displays it with the Hiragana. Display of a keyboard is near Japan
style for one of
another IBM system now also. For a case of IBM, even though the exterior
goes to Japanese formality, the inside tries to spread a thought of Jew(Satan
For a case of IBM, as far as the headquarter doesn't move for Japan,
because it is a naval and military strategic material for a personal computer,
it is more
wise not to buy it rather.
The place currently sold at medieval times (In Japanese)
Why do you sell the compatible machine of the company of a terrorist crime group series? Rather than an IBMDOS compatible machine, the mother board of PC-98 compatible machine of one 1.5 times the performance of this must be made, and it must always spread in the world.The improvement in functional is realizing by the compatible mother board of PC-98, and continuing developing. It is the contents with which God is pleased.